Our Story


The Super You Project was established in 2013 when a group of local business owners and entrepreneurs came together in the spirit of giving back and created ‘The Super You’ not for profit organisation.

At that time Declan Loy and Stevey J were hosting a series of workshops and meetings for business owners, entrepreneurs and managers. The people who were lucky enough to attend these meetings became so enthused and excited by the material they were learning, and the positive difference it was making to their lives and business.

Over and over again participants would say things like ‘I wish I had been taught this in school’ and ‘Imagine the benefit of getting this material at such a young’, ‘You guys really should teach this in schools’.   With this feedback Declan Loy, Paul O’Quigely and Stevey J Mc Geown got together and formulated The Super You, a tailored program for the youth of today.

The Super You program is created on three tried and tested philosophies, ‘The Science of Achievement’, ‘The Art of Fulfilment’ and ‘Emotional Mastery’.

There was so much good will and energy behind The Super You program that it received the stamp of approval from The World’s Greatest Boxer Muhammad Ali in 2013. (see below for newspaper clipping). The Super you got a renewed life and energy in 2018 and 2019 when Declan Loy aka Iron Dad took on World Record breaking Triathlon challenges to raise funds for the Super You.

To Get Super You in your school simply email nikki.superyou@gmail.com